changes. Helpful or HARMFUL?

If you had asked me last month “How do you feel about” I would have said “I LOVE them!! The Payment protection Really adds a great deal of security for my clients.” By the way I have offered to Pay for that. It comes from my share in the deposit, so they only pay the exact amount of the agreed upon deposit. Giving them the credit for the full deposit without them having to pay extra.

It is based on a percentage of the amount, and so a $300 deposit generally comes to around $25. This is what I call a worthy cost to build trust. Basically, Good dog works as a third party, an unbiased outsider protecting their deposit. I try to look at everything from a consumer’s point of view. Sometimes it the “Devil in the Details” that really set suspicion creep into one’s mind. The old “It’s just a dollar more” next think you know that “cheep” item has you knee deep in debt.

We are in an unfortunate time; Human beings have stopped behaving with basic human decency! Scammers behave more like vultures then common criminals. Common, that’s a good word for them, but the way they prey on the puppy lovers of the world. Most of the time it’s the unfortunate should that have just lost their furchild. Spending unimaginable amounts of savings on vet bills, but in the end, their loves are taken across that rainbow bridge.

The loneliness is just unbearable, and they want, no they NEED, a furbaby to hold and give their love. That is the best thing about a dog, is it not? We can give our love freely to a dog and they will NOT betray us? In finding our beloved however, we have to walk threw a valley of Vultures!

Credibility, that’s what it really boils down to. Who can you trust? Sadly, there are so many Cons. Not just the Con Artists, “The Con Games”! The all too often “Sell you the PROMISE of a puppy” to the AKC breeder who sells you a registered BITCH mixed with Japanese Chin. There seems to be no END!

I wish I could tell you I had an answer, truth is, I’m so disgusted by my fellow man. The only advice I can give, keep asking questions. As a breeder I know how difficult it is to drop what you’re doing and take a thousand photos. You may only get ONE useable photo. So, this is one reason why I DON’T!

Another reason, I discovered some of my photos being used to con OTHERS! A potential buyer wanted photos, then disappeared from communication. Presumably not interested, I saw the photos on however. When you put a great deal of effort into a task, you have a tendency to recognize your OWN WORK!

Credibility is a two-way street! A buyer confirms their credibility by paying a deposit, let’s face it, NO scammer is going to Pay ANY amount of money! The breeder however must do their due diligence and research the individual. This is where I find Facebook to be particularly helpful. If one has a new profile, no PERSONAL posts, well don’t expect a message back. I also MUST speak with you on the phone. If your profile says you’re from India and you have a Russian accent, well come on!

As for a Breeder…. I do everything I can. One would have to ask my clients how they feel. I believe the key, is to keep doing Your BEST! Never stop improving, never get too comfortable. I was comfortable and HAPPY with my “arrangement” with All deposits go threw them, I pay the $25 “Trust fund” and cash on delivery. Win, Win! Trust guaranteed…..

Now however, wants ALL payments to go threw THEM and that would be fine IF the final payment was on DELIVERY. I have done that several times with great success. Its EXPENCIVE thou, and the trust is no longer needed as I’m standing there with the dog in their hands. So, one who WANTS to pay the extra cost?

That however is not the WORST of the changes! The DEMAND that the entire balance of the pup be paid a week PRIOR to the delivery of the pup! I could Maybe see that, IF the pup were shipped. I however will NEVER ship my puppies ANYWHERE! I can NOT ask that kind of trust from my repeat buyers, why would a NEW customer? I wouldn’t, and THAT is the entire point! has made these changes MANDITORY and any seller who sells ANY pup, without going through them, and their NEW changes, BANNED. I will have to relinquish my account with them. I’m quite sad about this, they had a great deal of perks that I did enjoy.

This is just not going to work for my program. For one thing, they allow the buyer to buy the pup without even speaking with the Breeder. That will NOT work for me, I NEED to know my pups are going to live their best lives! I keep my prices low for a reason! Most people I encounter, have gone through hardships. They are in need of a baby to fill a need, and I want my babies to fill it! I’m not selling used cars to the highest bidder! I keep my prices just above the science labs, what if they buy my babies for experiments! I’m NOT having THAT! investigates their Breeders, they don’t investigate their Buyers!