The dangers of Littermate Syndrome

Recently a Corgi Breeder, that I greatly Respect, posted a Tic Toc video on Littermate Syndrome. In her video she stated that a breeder should “Know Better” than to sell more than one pup to the same home. I have actually encouraged and offered discounts when two or more go home together.

It has always been my view that it helps with the transition to a new home, as well as having a playmate when their humans are away. Could I have been Mistaken? Is it possible that Corgi pups are different than Chihuahua pups? I decided this needed to be Researched!

Lucky for me, one of my Favorite people, Mrs. Beverly sent me a new Book. “The Chihuahua Book, A Complete guide to raising, training, and caring for your Chihuahua.” I met Mrs. Beverly when she purchased Gingey, a very special Chihuahua pup, breed by us. She Named him Soloman. As often happens, Mrs. Beverly and I bonded immediately! We Chihuahua people are just a different breed, lol! She has been a WONDERFUL friend to me.  We talk often and I am so thankful to have meet her. She is so Caring and supportive, knowing constant learning and improvement is a personal goal, she sent me this book.

This was the Perfect place to begin my research! As in the Video the book talks about the costs of having two separate vet cost, training parrels, Aswell as twice the destruction during teething.

Within the video however, the Breeder talks about the possibility of the Corgi pup, relying on each other for companionship and not needing their human.  The book states clearly that the Chihuahua will want nothing more than to spend time with their Human, more than ANYTHING! This has been my experience as well. I also agree with the book that the biggest difficulty that may arise, they will compete for attention.

Most of the pups that have left our home, are to families. More than one family member has a lap to share. Generally, the Chihuahua will love the entire family so problem Solved! It is my opinion, even after viewing the Corgi Breeder’s video, the pups AND the owners ARE better together!

I do wish that I could share the video with you, it was defiantly thought provoking! She also makes excellent points. Not to mention she is HILLARIOUS!! She calls her Corgis “Baked Potato with Legs” I laugh every time! Unfortunately, I’m not able to access Tic Toc on my computer.